

Wesenberghi Konverentsikeskuses toimusid projekti töötoad (III) (31.01-02.02.2023), kus tutvustati koostöömudeli koostamise järjekorda ning abistavate küsimuste ja spetsialistide-ressursside-programmide faktilehte. Lisaks lepiti kokku mudeli põhimõtetest ning meeskonnad asusid analüüsima ja vormisama osapoolte lõimitud koostööd laste, noorte ja peredega. Töötubade lõpetuseks tutvustati Norra õppevisiidi planeeritud tegevusi ning pandi kirja küsimused, millele võiks Norra õppereisi jooksul leida vastused. Meeskondi esindavad delegatsiooniliikmed sõidavad Lõuna- Norra 6.veebruaril 2023.a ning üritavad leida vastused kõigile tekkinud küsimustele.


The project workshops (III) (31.01-02.02.2023) were held in the Wesenbergh Conference Center, where the order of creating the cooperation model and the fact sheet of helpful questions and specialists-resources-programs were introduced. In addition, the principles of the model were agreed upon, and the teams began to analyze and formalize the parties’ integrated cooperation with children, youth and families. At the end of the workshops, the planned activities of the study visit to Norway were introduced and the questions that could be answered during the study trip to Norway were written down. The delegation members representing the teams will travel to southern Norway on February 6, 2023 and try to find answers to all the questions that have arisen.