22. ja 23.novembril toimusid vahekohtumised veebis
Fookusgrupis keskenduti kolme tüüpi valdkondadeülesele koostööle ja võrgustikele:
Räägiti seekord sellest, mida tehakse valdkondadeüleselt, mitte iga valdkonna enda tegevustest eraldi.
Arutati läbi alljärgnevad teemad:
- Osapoolte koostöö valdkondadeüleselt- mis hästi, millised arenguvajadused
- Võrgustikud, nende eestvedajad, rollijaotused, kommunikatsioon
- Varane märkamine
Järgnevalt täidavad meeskonnad olemasolevate ressursside andmetabelid:
- Haridusasutuste spetsialistid ja programmid
- Muud (tugi)spetsialistid KOVis
- Muud teenused ja programmid KOVis
In English:
On November 22nd and 23rd, meetings took place online.
The focus group focused on three types of cross-disciplinary cooperation and networks:
This time we talked about what is being done across fields, not about the activities of each field separately.
The following topics were discussed:
- The cooperation between the parties is generally good, what are the development needs
- Networks, their leaders, role divisions, communication
- Early detection
Next, the teams fill in the data tables of the available resources:
- Specialists and programs of educational institutions
- Other (support) specialists in the local government
- Other services and programs in the local government